Green building policy and training in Ireland
This provides resources on Zero Carbon buildings. This goes beyond the European NZEB standard to define how buildings both new and in use can move to a zero-carbon standard across their full life cycle. The resources will include webinars and reading materials. For more information see also World GBC Advancing Net Zero.
In this video animation, WGBC explains what embodied carbon is, the importance of addressing it, and the key actions being called for to address it. More info here.
This video provides an overview of what Zero Carbon Buildings are, and why it’s urgent to transition to them.
Watch the video.Watch This Video!This video provides an overview of key actions needed to transition to net zero operation non-residential buildings. It looks at the importance of setting Net Zero Operation Targets, at the role of Dynamic Simulation Modelling, Post-Occupancy Evaluation and Integrative Design Process, as well as at Human Centric Design.
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