Transposing the EPBD into Irish Law: Supporting deeper energy renovation at scale in non-residential buildings
The IGBC, in partnership with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland is organising a workshop to help support the transposition of the EPBD into Irish law, ensuring deeper renovation across the country.
The purpose of the workshop is to create discussions on how the implementation of the revised EPBD can support deeper renovation at scale, with a strong focus on minimum energy performance standards in non-residential buildings (art. 9(1))* as A key instrument.
By the end of the workshop:
- Participants will have a clearer understanding of the new requirements of the EPBD, and more specifically of article 9.1, and how it might impact them
- Discussions on how minimum energy performance standards for non-residential buildings could apply in Ireland will have started.
The workshop is by invitation only and limited to 40 stakeholders from governments and local authorities, energy agencies, construction companies, research and academia, NGOs and community organisations. This is to ensure the broadest engagement on the development of the practical recommendations and to maximise the potential for creative input.
09:00 Registration & Networking
09:30 Introduction
09:40 Presentation in the EPBD
– Margaret Power, DHLGH: Overview of the EPBD and of the transposition process
– Chris Hughes, SEAI: Presentation on Article 9.1
10:10 Participants introduction
10:20 Session 1: Defining the worst part of the stock
11:15 Session 2: Exploring various approaches
11:45 Session3: Addressing challenges
12:35 Closing remarks
12:45 Light lunch served
If you are interested in joining, please email Catherine.
The workshop is supported by Renovate Europe.