Join us at one of our many events taking place across Ireland this year in line with the theme for World Green Building Week: “Powering Positive Change“.
Green Building Councils around the globe will be coming together for World Green Building Week to highlight the importance of sustainable buildings.
Building Performance Conference – 15
Room 446 (Top Floor) DIT Bolton St | Dublin 2 | 1.30pm – 5.30pm | 21 September 2015 | FREE & Wine Reception | 3 RIAI CPD points
This DIT conference will launch Historic Scotland Technical Paper 15 – Assessing risks in insulation retrofits using hygrothermal software tools – heat and moisture transport in internally insulated walls. Talks will be given by Roger Curtis of Historic Scotland and co-authors Joseph Little (Assistant Head of School) and Benat Arregi (Building Life Consultancy). Andy Lundberg (lecturer, Dublin School of Architecture) will present on the School’s existing CPD Diploma in Thermal Bridge Assessment and its exciting new CPD Diploma in Hygrothermal Assessment. The latter CPD Diploma commences on Sept 17 (there are still some places available).
Follow this link to book your FREE place.
Tour of DLR LexIcon – New Dun Laoghaire Library
DLR Lexicon | 5pm – 7pm | 21 September 2015 | FREE
Hailed by Frank McDonald as a model of environmentally conscious design, the new Dun Laoghaire library has a number of sustainable features. The majority of its spaces are naturally ventilated; stale air is drawn out and fresh air drown in through “chimneys” capped by cowls on the roof. The tour will commence with presentations by Cork based Architects Car Cotter and Naessens and the Mechanical Engineers from Arup.
Follow this link to book your FREE place.
Tour of Garden Still House – Jameson Distillery
Midleton | Cork | 4pm – 6pm | 21 September 2015 | FREE
Sustainability has always played a significant part in Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard’s development programmes and the new expansion is no exception. This visit follows the 2013 completion of a €100m investment by Irish Distillers in Midleton, doubling capacity to meet the increased global demand for Irish whiskey while maintaining production throughout the project.
Interesting building features include the 21.5m high pot still hall building envelope. The pot still hall is designed to a very high level of thermal and airtight performance. The design incorporates stack ventilation through all levels to maintain contant temperature and air quality with a heavily insulated thermal envelope and a solar wall to the south. The tour will include a presentation by Architect John Morehead of Wain Morehead Architects Cork.
Follow this link to book your FREE place
Tour of Scandinavian Passive House
Moycullen | Galway | 4pm – 6pm | 21 September 2015 | FREE
Scandinavian Homes Ltd was established in 1991 and has been designing, producing and building pre-fabricated, low-energy and passive houses all over the country ever since. They specialise in affordable passive houses in which no heating system is necessary. They use non-complex, simple components with an exacting building methodology to ensure an affordable high-performance passive house.
Tour will commence with presentation by Lars Pettersson, Managing Director of Scandinavian Homes.
Follow this link to book your FREE place.
Tour of New Guinness Brewhouse
St James Gate | Dublin 8 | 4pm – 6pm | 22 September 2015 | FREE | Places Limited
A significant Diageo project goal for this building was to seek green building certification and pursue the highest level of certification. The project team successfully worked to deliver the first non-domestic A1 BER rated building in Ireland and achieve LEED PLATINUM and BREEAM OUTSTANDING. The major environmental features of the Brewhouse combine the building services systems with the process energy strategy and systems. It uses a Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) to deliver power and thermal heat to the process and building services systems.
Follow this link to book your FREE place.
See the Light Conference
Enniskillen | 12.30pm – 6pm | 24 September 2015 | £70
This is the Passive House Association of Ireland’s (PHAI) annual conference organised in partnership with CREST at South West College. The conference will be held in the recently completed CREST Passive Pavilion – a Passive House designed building and an exemplar of sustainable construction.
The event is expected to be of interest to key policy makers, architects, builders, developers and building services companies. In addition to the main conference, there will be free “taster” sessions in the morning aimed at people who are new to Passive House but want to find out more.
Follow this link to book for See the Light – Northern Passive House Conference.
Energy Saving Workshop
7 Clare Street | Dublin 2 | 9am – 12pm | 24 September 2015 | €60 Dublin Chamber Members | €80 Non Members
Dublin Chamber of Commerce is running this workshop for businesses in understanding your electricity usage and bills. This half day course will teach you how to read and understand your electricity bill, carry out an energy audit on your premises, implement no cost / low cost energy reduction methods and develop an action plan to achieve identified savings.
An initial desk top audit can be carried out for all attendee companies during the workshop, so that each participant will leave with a number of no cost/low cost energy saving ideas that they can implement immediately in their company. Real life case studies will be presented and discussed and full workshop materials will be provided.
Please bring your bills with you on the day. More information here.
Get Practical about Passive
Unit 4 Kilkarbery Business Park | Dublin 12 | 1pm – 5pm | 25 September 2015 | FREE
Saint-Gobain Technical Academy in Ireland will host a ‘Get Practical about Passive’ event which looks at sustainable building in practice. The event will see an array of expert speakers from the industry and will cover a series of topics such as cost effective and practical solutions for Passive Building.
Email [email protected] to book your place
More information here.