Welcome to the Irish Green Building Council’s new website. This provides not only a better insight into what we do, but should act as a portal on Green Building in Ireland, clarifying and connecting key policy papers, guidance documents on every aspect of green building.
It was a good time to reflect on how far we have come, as we have started to load up the resources from nearly four years of conferences, master classes, working groups and position papers. We were overwhelmed with the sheer volume content and it will take many more weeks and late nights to complete the task of categorising, labelling and linking so that you can easily find what you need. Having hosted so many world leading experts over the years at our conferences, you get the documents but also the videos of speakers explaining these in their own words in Dublin.
We are building this towards an easily searchable database of the key documents on everything from embodied carbon to green conservation, from European policy to data on Ireland’s commercial building stock. The brief abstracts save you from reading through everything to find out first if it is what you need.
As IGBC starts on some exciting policy collaboration projects over the next two years we will continue adding from our considerable database of resources to help clarify the Irish and European policy landscape. You cannot create new policy without setting the baseline of what we already have and what we have to Build Upon.
We would particularly like to thank all our members who contributed resources and time over the past number of years to create the content on this website.
The Irish Green Building Team.