Friday, 25th November 2022: The Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) hosted today its annual residential conference. The focus of Better Homes 2022 was on delivering low carbon homes at scale. According to a recent report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), current mobility patterns are incompatible with Ireland’s climate ambitions. While electrification […]
#BuildingLife: Phelim O’Neill, LDA – “Sustainability must be front and centre in all construction decisions”
First Published in Irish Construction News In this new #BuildingLife Ambassador blog post, Robbie Cousins from Irish Construction News spoke with LDA Head of Property, Phelim O’Neill about how the IGBC’s whole life carbon campaign ties in with Land Development Agency sustainability strategy. The Land Development Agency (LDA) is a commercial state-sponsored body established in […]
GRESB recognise the Home Performance Index as a full points certification system for new homes built in Ireland
Leading evaluation system for measuring the sustainability performance of property companies, real estate funds and developers recognise Home Performance Index, the Irish national certification for sustainable homes as a full points scheme for new residential developments. Developers and investors can now report their sustainability scores for new homes to GRESB using the Home Performance Index. […]
Development of sustainable homes raised as key concern for institutional investors at lrish Green Building Council’s Conference
Friday, 27th November: The role of the finance industry in supporting the development of greener homes was extensively discussed at the Irish Green Building Council’s annual residential conference today. Ireland can only reach carbon neutrality if new homes are built in a truly sustainable way and institutional investors are getting serious about sustainability. These were […]
Irish Green Building Council launches zero carbon standard for Home Builders
Thursday, 7th November: The Irish Green Building Council launched a zero-carbon standard for new homes at the Better Homes conference today. The new standard will enable Irish Home builders to offer certified zero carbon homes to home buyers.
What is the Home Performance Index?
What is the Home Performance Index? What is Sustainable residential development? The seemingly unimportant things we do every day can have a direct effect on our health and carbon footprint. Simply where we live and the distance traveled to and from work, dictates whether we are inclined to drive, walk or take the bus. While […]
A Summary of Better Homes 2017
Over 100 planners, architects, local authorities, policy makers and home builders gathered in Dublin on 26th October to look at the future of home building in Ireland. A short summary of the conference is now available here.
First Home Performance Index Gold Certification Awarded
The Irish Green Building Council awarded the first Home Performance Index gold certification to a private house in Cork.
Get a staff briefing on the Home Performance Index (HPI) this summer
Don’t be the last person on the project team to find out about the Home Performance Index – HPI! Over the Summer IGBC has been providing free lunch time RIAI accredited CPD to most of the leading housing architects,consultants and contractors. We have briefed most of the quality developers and local authorities. If we missed […]
1st HPI certified private development
Silken Park in City West has been the first private development to achieve the exacting Home Performance Index (HPI) label.
Charging for excess water consumption necessary to drive down Ireland’s carbon emissions from new homes
Friday, 2nd December: IGBC proposes solution for measuring excess water. The recent recommendation by the expert water commission to charge only for excessive water use may be a sensible approach and could be used to ensure that all new homes are water efficient according to the Irish Green Building Council. The Irish Green Building Council have […]
Dublin City Council sets new standards for excellence with its social housing
A block of apartments at Rathmines Crescent built by Dublin City Council becomes the first to achieve HPI Certification
IGBC launch Ireland’s first label for Sustainable homes
The Irish Green Building Council launched a voluntary quality labeling scheme for new residential development in Dublin.