As a member of the Irish Green Building Council, we commit to support and abide by the Vision, Mission and objectives of the Irish Green Building Council:
Vision and Mission
The Irish Green Building Council will provide a framework and leadership to accelerate the transformation of the
built environment, industry and supply chain to one that is sustainable based on accepted scientific principles of
- Provide leadership for sustainability in the built environment.
- Provide credible metrics for measuring progress towards the end goal of sustainability
- Provide a source of resources for companies moving their activities towards sustainability
- Be central to alignment of the policies of all organisations seeking to achieve a sustainable built Environment.
- Assist and influence government and industry policy in the built environment to enable the achievement of a sustainable built environment in the shortest possible timeframe.
As Members of the IGBC we commit to the following
- Actively work with the IGBC in achieving our vision, mission and objectives.
- Accept that current practice in the delivery and supply chain of the built environment is fundamentally unsustainable and needs to change.
- To transform our own activities to comply with the stated principles for sustainability and to ensure that our entire management structure and employees share this goal and to continuously measure and progressively reduce our impacts
- All members will commit to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes in sustainability for their staff
- Abide by strict guidelines in promoting our membership of the IGBC in publicity or promotional materials. Logo or membership may not be used as accreditation or badge of sustainability, or indicate endorsement of product or service.
- Always adopt a constructive and progressive approach in dialogue with other IGBC members, always seeking to progress the common good rather than own sectoral interest or business goals.