The purpose of the Best practice guidelines for the preparation of resource & waste management plans for construction & demolition projects is to provide a practical and informed approach which is informed by best practice in the prevention and management of C&D wastes and resources from design through to construction and deconstruction.
The guidelines provide clients, developers, designers, practitioners, contractors, sub-contractors and competent authorities with a common approach to preparing Resource and Waste Management Plans.
The guidelines address the best practice approach for the following phases of a project:
- Prior to Construction – including the stages of design, planning and procurement in advance of works on site (in the 2006 guidelines this was referred to as an outline or preliminary plan); and
- During Construction – relating to the effective management of resources and wastes during construction or demolition operations (in the 2006 guidelines this was referred to as the detailed plan)
Implementation of the guidelines by the relevant actors will help Ireland prevent C&D wastes, encourage reuse of materials where possible and thereafter sustainably reduce and recover waste materials.