A consultation on the next phase of the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme is now open.
The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) is one of Ireland’s newest schemes to improve the energy efficiency of the economy but is also perhaps the least well-known. The scheme requires all energy distributors and suppliers above a certain size to achieve a defined amount of energy savings each year by working with energy users in the residential, commercial or public sector. These suppliers and distributors are known as obligated parties and can deliver the energy savings they are required to make through their own programmes or can work with the existing energy efficiency support schemes offered by the Government through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).
There are no definitive changes to the scheme proposed, rather the aim of this consultation is to seek input on whether the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment should consider any changes to the operation of the next phase of the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme which will run from 2017-2019. To this end, the consultation paper outlines the background to the scheme and the rationale behind the choices that determine the structure of the scheme.
Any revisions to the nature and structure of the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme will be factored into the next National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, due for completion in April 2017* and the National Mitigation Plan required under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015.
The consultation is open until Friday September 23rd and will be followed by a workshop for respondents that will take place on September 30th.
* Over the last few months, the Irish Green Building Council, in conjunction with the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, has been working to build a community of experts and stakeholders to develop the V2.0 National Renovation Strategy that Ireland must deliver by April 2017 under the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. Further information on this work can be found here.