On the 28th and 29th of October 2019, a kickoff meeting took place in Madrid with a goal to launch the project Life for LCA LCC Level(s) and therefore commence the anticipated project activities. The project itself is directed towards raising the recognition of indicators for Life cycle assessment (LCA), Life cycle costing (LCC) and Indoor air quality (IAQ).
The Life for LCA LCC Level(s) project (short: LIFE Level(s)) has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. The project will last for three years, from 2019 until 2022.

What is the project about?
The main idea of the project is to mainstream sustainable buildings in Europe through greater awareness and use of the specified indicators within the framework of Level(s), a set of common EU indicators to address life cycle environmental performance of buildings. Another objective is achieving the greater sense among the main actors in the industry and government on the necessity of Level(s) and a lifecycle approach framework in addressing climate and environmental risk. Also, the conditions for alignment of Europe’s leading green building certification schemes with Level(s) would be possible through building the capacities of stakeholders across the whole sector, integrating the public authorities in order to align Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria with Level(s) and identifying necessary administrative and data requirements.

Strategically divided project actions are conceived in order to achieve the best results and develop the capacities for incorporating Level(s) into public procurement and raising awareness of Level(s).
The significance of the project lies within its approach towards hundreds of potential collaborators from various sectors such as industry, governments and public sector and non-governmental organizations with an encompassing purpose of creating a foundation for the development of future European and national sustainable development policies, improvement of environmental and climate performances and creation of positive socio-economic shifts.
International consortium
The partners on the execution of the project are some of the most recognizable Green Building Councils across Europe, notable for their success in governance, inclusiveness and market impact. In line with that, the consortium is made up of Green Building Council España (GBCe), Croatia GBC, Dutch GBC (DGBC), Alliance HQE-GBC, GBC Finland (FiGBC), GBC Italia, German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and Irish GBC (IGBC). It is worth to note that the project partners have been actively involved in developing Level(s) into public procurement criteria and supporting its development.
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The Life for LCA LCC Level(s) project (short: LIFE Level(s)) has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. The European Union’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the EU cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. | ![]() |