Foundation Energy Skills | €170 (supported by skillsnet) | Book through Qualibuild
9am – 5pm | Wednesday 10 May | Classroom
9am – 5pm | Wednesday 24 May | Demonstration day
9am – 5pm | Wednesday 7 June | Classroom
This 3 day course is for ALL Building Construction Workers and will provide a Single Subject Certificate in Introduction to Low Energy Buildings.
There is a need for a change in approach to deliver low energy buildings which involves the concept of ‘Systems Thinking’ to enable all trades to work together more efficiently and effectively and develop the understanding of Quality Building.
The course is divided into 6 units and will be presented and discussed over a 3 day period. The course is intended to provide the know how and practical information for building construction workers to improve their skills in Quality, Energy Efficiency, Best Practice and System Thinking.