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Study tour of worlds first NZEB/Passive House Region: Brussels
Cost: €595 (PHAI Members) €675 (Non Members)
The objective of the tour is to experience at first-hand a city and region which took the bold step to mandate an energy standard way above that required at a national level. The tour includes:
- Guided tour of first city and region in the world to reach the Passive House standard, mandated in January 2015.
- Meet the Brussels officials that made it happen and learn at first-hand about the challenges and benefits of this remarkable achievement.
- Visit large scale NZEB and Passive House projects including leisure centre, affordable housing, office retrofits and more besides.
- Meet local Architects and developers that have embraced high performance and have made it ‘business-as-usual’.
- Network with like-minded colleagues from Ireland, the UK and the US who are facing the NZEB and Passive House challenge.
Follow this link for further information, detailed agenda and booking