The European Commission has recently published proposed EU Green Public Procurement criteria for office buildings for consultation . These documents can be downloaded here:
These provide a useful guide to local authorities and procuring teams on how green public procurement can be structured in the absence of clear national standards.
Green Public Procurement (GPP) is a voluntary instrument. This document provides the EU GPP criteria developed for the product group “office buildings”. It is supported by a Guidance document that provides orientation on how to effectively integrate these GPP criteria into the procurement process. An accompanying Technical Background Report provides further details on the reasons for selecting these criteria and references for further information.The criteria are divided into Selection Criteria, Technical Specifications, Award Criteria and Contract Performance Clauses. For each set of criteria there is a choice between two ambition levels:
The Core criteria are those suitable for use by any contracting authority across the Member States and address the key environmental impacts. They are designed to be used with minimum additional verification effort or cost increases. The Comprehensive criteria are for those who wish to purchase the best products available on the market. These may require additional verification effort or a slight increase in cost compared to other products with the same functionality.