IMS Recovered Aggregate and Sand
This EPD is carried out for the IMS Recovered Aggregate and Sand. The material components are aggregates and sands arising from construction and demolition wastes, and nonhazardous soil and granular excavation waste. The materials produced are aggregates and fine to coarse sands, for use as aggregates. this covers the following product designations:
- 10 mm graded aggregate (EN13242 & EN12620)
- 20 mm graded aggregate (EN13242 & EN12620)
- 40 mm graded aggregate (EN13242)
- 0-2 mm fine sand (EN13242 and EN12620)
- 0-4 mm coarse sand (EN13242 and EN12620)
The recycled aggregates are manufactured to comply with EN 13242:2013 Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction, and EN 12620:2013 Aggregates for concrete. The aggregate and sands have a typical bulk density in the order of 1,500 kg/m3.
The system boundaries are as illustrated in the table above. In this EPD, two different C1-C4 and D scenarios are reported on. These two scenarios, A and B, are:
A. All the material is recycled (100% recycled)
B. All the material is landfilled (100% landfilled)
The impacts of Scenario A and Scenario B are reported separately in two sets of impact tables in this EPD.
Product specific EPD
21 August 2024
20 August 2029
EPD Ireland
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