Epd Search » Banagher Prestressed Banagher W Beam

Banagher Prestressed Banagher W Beam

Reinforced concrete structural beam for use in supporting bridge decks. Applications include rail and road bridges, jetties and piers and as
encapsulations and supports in buildings. The W beam is specifically designed for longer spans, up to 50m or greater.
The W Beam sections range from W1 to W19 beams.
The concrete comprises specialised cements, aggregates and water. Reinforcing steel has a recycled content of 92% recycled steel.

EPD Type:
Product specific EPD
Registration date:
28 November 2024
Valid until:
27 November 2029
EPD Publisher:
EPD Ireland
EPD Verifier:
Callum Hill

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Company Information

Banagher Precast Concrete Ltd
Contact Name
Ciaran Ennis
Queen Street R42 WA21 Banagher, , Co. Offaly, Ireland