The new version of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was formerly adopted by the European Council on 14th May.
The directive improves energy efficiency in buildings and encourages building renovation. Decarbonising the existing, highly inefficient European building stock is one of its long term goals. It promotes cost-effective renovation work, introduces a smartness indicator for buildings, simplifies the inspections of heating and air conditioning systems and promotes electro-mobility by setting up a framework for parking spaces for electric vehicles.
The IGBC is delighted to see that some of the recommendations made as part of the Build Upon Consultation process are now part of the Directive:
- National Energy Renovation Strategies must be drafted with the aim of transforming the building stock, into a “highly efficient and decarbonized building stock by 2050, facilitating the cost-effective transformation of the existing buildings into NZEB”.
- Strategies must be publicly consulted and there shall also be an inclusive consultation during the implementation phase.
- EU countries have to set 2030 and 2040 milestones and define “measurable progress indicators” e.g. renovation rates or a maximum energy consumption per square meter.
- Support for the implementation of energy efficient mortgages for certified energy efficient building renovations
A copy of the directive is available here. The transposition period for this legislation is 20 months.