IGBC is a consortium partner of the Intelligent Energy Europe funded project QualiBuild (Build Up Skills) which is focusing on addressing key issues such as a) the placing of all construction workers on a national register b) Energy Training for the construction workforce and c) awareness of low energy buildings and best practices associated with them.
A series of workshop events will be based around the key task of the ‘Quality Building- Construction Workers Registration System’. These workshops are designed to allow discussion and input on the structure, format and implementation of such a system.
We need your valued input and would really appreciate if you could attend one of our free workshop events around the country where we will discuss the merits of having a registration system for all construction workers.
These half day events will provide construction workers with the opportunity to shape their own destiny and the future of the Industry. As a part of this project we will be holding half day workshops in various locations and dates, all workshops run from 08.30 – 14.30;
These are listed in our events calendar or you can visit the events calendar on the QualiBuild website http://www.qualibuild.ie/events/